Friday, 16 April 2010

Join The Breakfast Club

***The following information is from the March/April 2010 Boots Health & Beauty Magazine***

Eating a good breakfast can help your health, says recent research. Nutritionist Sara Stanner explains why.

Breakfast gives you the energy that you need to start the day, but we Brits tend to skip it 31% of the time (that's 113 missed breakfasts a year!). 'You should really make the effort, as studies show that people who eat breakfast tend to have a more balanced diet, are less likely to be overweight, and feel more alert and able to concentrate during the day,' says Sara. Here's how to get it right:

You need... new ideas for a tasty healthy breakfast.

'A combination of starchy food, fibre and protein is ideal,' Sara explains. 'For example, try a currant bun, with a glass of pure fruit juice and a pot of low-fat yogurt. Or you could have grilled kippers in a roll with a smoothie made from lower-fat milk and fresh or canned fruit.'

You need... a meal that fits in with your weight-loss plan.

'Research shows that people who eat a healthy breakfast are less likely to have high-sugar and high-fat snacks in the morning,' says Sara. 'A low glycaemic index (GI) breakfast, such as porridge or another wholegrain cereal, is a good option, as it will keep you feeling full for longer.'

You need... food on the run.

It only takes a few minutes to prepare and eat a bowl of cereal - and this can provide around 25% of some of the essential vitamins you need each day. But if you barely have time for that , there are various healthy snacks you could consider eating on the move - go for a cereal or muesli bar, banana, wholemeal muffin or scone, piece of toast, yogurt, smoothie or a handful of unsalted nuts and dried fruit.

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