Friday, 12 November 2010

GOSH That's a good deal.

What A Bargain!!!
So I was in Superdrug the other week and I was having a look at their Christmas gifts, when all of a sudden something caught my eye. It was this brilliant GOSH collection.

I couldn't believe the value of this set. It is £14.99 for four full size makeup items. The thing that makes it such a bargain is the face primer alone is usually £12.99, so for an extra £2 you get an extra 3 products.

Inside the box it looks like this.

Inside the box you get the following:
  • 30ml Velvet Touch Foundation Primer
  • 15ml On Stage Cool Lip Jam - 107
  • 2g Trio Eye Shadow - TR2 Smoky
  • 1.2g Velvet Touch Eye Liner - Black Ink (Waterproof)
  • £2 off next purchase voucher
  • 5 step application leaflet

The best thing about these kits besides the value for money, is that if you're buying it for someone who isn't used to using makeup, then they have a leaflet with clear diagrams of where to put which product. It has most of what you need for a dramatic smoky eye look (minus a mascara) and it has the perfect colour lipgloss to match.

All the gift items at Superdrug are 3 for 2 (cheapest item free), so if you wanted to stock up on your primer and give the rest of the items away as gifts you could do so for £30. You can't ask for better value than that.

Will you be trying out this brilliant collection for the party season?

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Anxiety - 5 Minute Relaxation Technique.

Common Problems Associated With Relaxation

1) Worrying about succeeding

Although relaxation is an active skill which needs to be learned and applied, worrying about succeeding or trying too hard can be counter productive as these create more tension. People learn and do things at different rates and it's important that this is allowed the happen to avoid feelings of inadequacy being added to the other problems which the person already has. It is important to "let go".

2) Concentration Problems

It is very common for people's attention to wander off on all sorts of other things when attempting to relax. It may be useful to use a tape or have someone read the instructions aloud.

3) Odd Sensations

E.g. tingling, shaky hands, pins and needles. Yawning can occur, but it is a very good sign if it does. These can be signs that the body is beginning to unwind.

4) Falling Asleep

Sometimes, people fall asleep when they are practising relaxation, which is excellent if their difficulty is sleeping. But in other cases, when this is not the goal, falling asleep should definitely be discouraged ~ relaxation is aimed at helping people to cope with difficult situations when they are awake and aware. If falling asleep does occur, it may be that you need time to sleep as well as to relax.

5) Fear Of Losing Control

In relaxation, individuals can decide how much or how little they want to let go and also when they have had enough.

6) Being Too Tense

When first learning, a time for relaxation should be chosen when you are less tense. Loosening up by doing some physical exercises also helps and can be done as part of the routine.

7) Difficult Areas Of The Body

Some people find certain areas of their body more difficult to relax than others. These parts may be more prone to tension, e.g. neck and shoulders. When practising relaxation, the exercises for relaxing these individual parts can be repeated to help relieve tension.

Need For Regular Practice

Relaxation is not "doing" or going to sleep. It is an active process. Like any new skill relaxation is something which must be learned. This takes time and practice. For some it will come easily ~ for others it will be more difficult.

If unnecessary muscular tension becomes a habit you will revert back to this state every time you stop concentrating on relaxation. As you become more aware of your body, and with regular practice , you will be able to incorporate relaxation into your daily life to break this habit.

Relaxation is letting go from tension in body and mind, not just taking things easy for a few minutes!

Relaxation can be achieved using various techniques. To succeed you must learn to focus inside yourself so that you may become sensitive to the tensions within and begin to relieve them. As you become more aware of your body and with regular practice, you will be able to incorporate relaxation into your daily life.

The power of relaxing the body at will is one of the best ways of gaining control of the mind. Whilst resting, tension will drop from the mind and in its place will come confidence, calmness, courage and renewed strength.

Check out the video at the link below:

Saturday, 29 May 2010

How To Soothe Exam Stress

Exam Stress
Help take the pressure off your children during exam time with this expert advice.
Along with lighter evenings, early summer sees the start of school exam season. According to mental health charity MIND, the average child will sit 87 exams in their school life, so learning to cope with them is a must. Here are steps Mums and Dads can take to help avoid stress in the first place.
Be Prepared
'Time and place make a big difference to exam prep,' says Wendy Evans from Parentline Plus, a charity offering support to those caring for children. She suggests planning with your children where and when revision will happen. 'Helping them find a quiet area to study regularly will get them to focus. Your encouragement will also help them feel supported, which is crucial for confidence building.'
The Right Food
'A healthy, balanced diet is essential for body growth and development,' says Boots expert nutritionist Vicky Pennington. That means a variety of different food: five-a-day of fruit and veg, lean protein , including 2 servings of oily fish per week, energy-giving carbs such as pasta, wholegrain cereals and potatoes, plus milk and dairy produce for calcium. Also, consider an age-appropriate vitamin and mineral supplement if you feel their diet is lacking. 'In order to concentrate properly they need to be well hydrated, too,' Vicky adds. 'As a guide, ensure they're drinking 6-8 glasses, cups or mugs of fluid a day.'
Find Time To Relax
Encourage your child to wind down between studying and going to bed, with play time - or 'no work' time for tweens and teens. Herbal preperations and aromatherapy oild can help soothe nerves.
Get Them Moving
Exercise boosts energy levels, clears the mind and relieves anxiety, so encourage kids to walk the dog or go swimming with friends. The NHS recommends at least 60 minutes of exercise a day.
Make exams Less Scary
'Lots of children can feel the greatest pressure comes form their family,' says Mark Bajer from Childline, a phone helpline for children and young people. He suggests regular reassurance that failing a test or exam isn't the end of the world, along with plenty of praise for effort.
I hope you find this information helpful. All this information is from the Boots Health & Beauty May/June edition magazine.
I am not qualified to give any medical information or advice, so if you have any concerns you should contact you regular GP.

My 1st Jewellery Collection

My Jewellery
Hello everyone, for the past week or so I have been busying myself with making jewellery. So far I have a small collection on earrings, necklaces and bracelets.

I have made a variety of styles to suit all occasions. I have all the photos below, so feel free to comment and let me know what you think.
I also decided to do a slideshow on YouTube, so you can watch the video below. I hope you like the jewellery and let me know if you have any questions or requests.
Lots Of Love Guys x-x-x

Sunday, 16 May 2010

10 Questions - Tag -

10 Questions
So I saw this tag on JuicyTopics YouTube channel -
and I decided to answer these questions myself. I wanted to share some more information about myself with you guys. You can also check out my 5 random facts video at:
So, here goes.
1. How did you come up with your username?
I came up with my username years ago when I decided to get my first computer. I had to have a username for my e-mail account, and I just so happened to have a candle with the many different names that Jesus Christ was known as. Amongst the names I noticed Good Shepherd & I quite liked the sound of it. So I figured as Christ was the 1st good shepherd I would be GDSHPHRD2. Basically Good Shepherd but without the vowels.
2. What would you do with $1 million dollars? (Currently £688,754.61)
If I had $1 million I would 1st wish that it was £1 million, lol. Joking. I would clear all mine & my families debt so nobody had to worry about that anymore. I'd then buy a new car, buy a house & put the rest into the bank. Sounds very boring I know, but I have to be practical.
3. When are you happiest?
This is actually a really difficult question for me to answer for many reasons. I'm really happy when I have helped someone or if I have a surprise for them. It makes me happy and excited for the person. However, I am also really happy when I'm shopping. I love shopping, I just don't have the money to do it as often as I'd like. Plus I don't have the space to keep everything, lol.
4. What was your most embarrassing moment?
My most embarrassing moment... hmmm... I can't think of anything recently at all. The last most embarrassing thing I can remember happened years ago. I was at a club and I was "with" one of the bouncers who worked there. So I was upstairs in the club with friends when I decided to get some drinks in. As I decide to make my way down the stairs I noticed he was standing on the stairs watching to see if anything was going on in the club. I was halfway down the stairs where he was stood and all of a sudden the heel on my shoe got caught on the step and I went flying down the stairs right in front of him and the rest of the people who were down the stairs. So I had to pick myself up, brush myself off and walk over to the bar.
5. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
I think I would have to say that my nature is my favourite thing about myself. I can be quite sensitive and emotional, but I am also a kind and caring person who is willing to help anyone. I am a loyal person and I stand up for what I believe in too. The only downside to my kind nature is that people tend to abuse it. They seem to think they can treat me however they want because they know I will come back.
6. Who do you want to take a picture with?
Another difficult question. I love Audrey Hepburn, she was such a classic, elegang, beautiful woman. She was always presented amazingly and she was so graceful. However, that said I'd also have loved to have a photo taken with Michael Jackson. I know everyone always said he was crazy, and I don't agree with certain things he did, like holding a baby outside a window. But it would have been great to have the chance to see him and talk to him.
7. What is your dream job?
Wow, the answer to this questions has changed many times. From a realistic point of view I'd love to be a makeup artist, a personal trainer or a massage therapist. I love doing facials as I find it very relaxing, which for me is great as I can easily get stressed.
8. What is your dream car?
This is going to sound funny but I would love love love a VW camper van. I have always loved them. They are so different and also very handy if you have a day out. I just love them.
9. Name one thing you cannot live without?
The love and support of my family and friends. I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have I know I can trust, which is something important to me. Gotta love family and friends, that includes YouTube friends of mine too. They are all amazing.
10. What is a lesson you've learned in life?
Without wanting to sound cynical I have learned that not everyone can be trusted. I have also learnt not to allow people to treat me badly. I will no longer be walked all over by anyone.
I tag all you guys to do this tag too.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Listen to Your Body

Find The Right Remedy To Ease Your Period Pain
So, I have still been reading the March/April edition of the Boots Health and Beauty magazine when I came across the following article.
You're the best judge of what suits you, your body and your lifestyle. Which is why experts at Feminax have developed a choice of hard-working period pain relief. They know period pain feels different for each woman, so they've made it easier to find something that could work for you.
New Feminax Express with ibuprofen lysine provides fast relief from all the main symptoms, including cramps, muscular pain, backache and headache. For long-lasting relief with maximum -strength naproxen, have a chat with a Boots pharmacist about Feminax Ultra, which can help ease pain and crampsfor up to eight hours. Always read the lable.
Try these easy tips...
Getting to know your body:
Note down your symptoms each month. This will help enable you to predict how you're going to feel, so that you know when you'll be in need of some pampering.
Have 'me' time:
Curl up with a hot water bottle, or soak in a bath with aromatherpay oils, to warm your abdomen and lower back.
Get up and go:
It may be the last thing you feel like, but gentle exercise can help ease the pain by relaxing the muscles in your womb.
Find a painkiller that suits you:
Consider a painkiller such a Feminax, which is designed to relieve period pains fast and effectively.
Feminax Ultra £4.99 (9 tablets. Contains naproxen)
Feminax Express £3.79 (16 tablets. Contains iboprofen lysine)

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Jessica's Blog Giveaway

jleighbeauty Blog Giveaway

Hi everyone, please check out the link below so you can enter this great blog giveaway. Anyone can enter as long as they follow her blog.

You can find all the rules on Jessica's blog.
Go to:

The prizes all look really great and there are up to 3 entries per person.

The Rules:
1. You must be a follower of her blog, after all this is to thank her followers.
2. You must be 18 or over to enter, if not make sure you have permission from your parents as I will need your address if you win.
3. The contest will end on 4th May at 11.59pm GMT - all winners will be notified within one week of the competition closing on her blog and via email.
4. There will be three winners, whoever is drawn first will have a pick of the prizes and so forth
5. It is open worldwide

How To Enter:
1. For one entry please write 'Enter Me' in the comments below and and don't forget to leave your email address!
2. For two entries do as above then follow her on Twitter and tweet about her giveaway (@jelighbeauty - link on the left)
3. For three entries do both above and do a post and/or a link and picture on your blog to her giveaway.

Do not forget to post a link to your blog in the comment.
So if you do all three this means you will have three entries.
Get cracking with all your entries guys.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Green or Blue...? You Decide.

Green or Blue?
Hi everyone, so I have a video at the moment asking for your opinion on my next YouTube video. The choice is between a green look or a blue look. As you can see from the photos below, they are similar looks just using different colours.

So, to let me know which you would prefer to see you can either comment at the bottom of this post. Or you can go to and leave me a comment letting me know which you would prefer.
I look forward to the outcome. So get voting my lovelies.

Monday, 19 April 2010

legseleven7 - Blog Give Away

Illamasqua Body Electrics Give Away
Hello my lovelies, I just thought I would do a quick post to let you know about the legseleven7 - Blog Givea Away. Check out the link below to enter:
The rules of her contest are as follows:
  1. You must be a follower of her blog.
  2. If you are under 16, please get the permission of a parent before entering, as if you win, she'll need your postal address to send you your prize.
  3. To enter, you must write 'enter me' in her blog comments section.
  4. If you wish, you can do a blog post about this. If you do, let her know, because she'll put an extra entry in the number generator for you :)
  5. The closing date is Saturday 24th April so please get your entry in before 5pm BST (yay, hehe) that day.

Good luck ladies!

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Review: Sleek Sunset Palette

Sleek Sunset.

So, I decided to do a review on the Sleek Sunset palette. I have had this for some time now, so have used it enough to be able to share my thoughts and opinions with you.
So the palette looks like this:

The palette costs £4.99 from Superdrug (or from the Sleek website: ) which is an absolute bargain considering you get a great big mirror that you can actually see your whole face in. You also get 12 colours in each palette. Every one of the colours is lovely and soft making them easy to blend and they are really highly pigmented too. Each of the colours has some sort or shimmer or sparkle to it EXCEPT the black. This is a just a lovely rich matte black as you can see from the swatches below. (Colours have been swatched in palette order). You wouldn't want to drop this though as it would probably be more than the mirror that would shatter.

I did try to photograph the swatches in different light so you could get a better idea of how they show up on the skin. I am also aware that my skin is pale so the colours are going to look different on different skin tones. As the colours are so pigmented they would easily show up on even the darkest skin tones.

On the website they have pictures of different women with varying skin tones with different products on their skin, so this could help give you an idea how colours would show up on darker skin tones.

Each of the colours have a honeycombe type pattern on, which I find makes it so easy to pick the colour up on your brush. The colours can seem a little crumbly in texture, but they wash onto the eyelids with ease, and they last all day long when applied to a good base or primer. I find the matte black works brilliantly as a black eyeliner. It would also make a really easy smokey eye. I have used the black mainly as an eyeliner and it works great just to make your lashes look thicker, but it would also blend easily for a more subtle look.

I can't wait to get some more Sleek palettes. I hope they still have the limited Bohemian palette so I get a chance to try that out too.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Join The Breakfast Club

***The following information is from the March/April 2010 Boots Health & Beauty Magazine***

Eating a good breakfast can help your health, says recent research. Nutritionist Sara Stanner explains why.

Breakfast gives you the energy that you need to start the day, but we Brits tend to skip it 31% of the time (that's 113 missed breakfasts a year!). 'You should really make the effort, as studies show that people who eat breakfast tend to have a more balanced diet, are less likely to be overweight, and feel more alert and able to concentrate during the day,' says Sara. Here's how to get it right:

You need... new ideas for a tasty healthy breakfast.

'A combination of starchy food, fibre and protein is ideal,' Sara explains. 'For example, try a currant bun, with a glass of pure fruit juice and a pot of low-fat yogurt. Or you could have grilled kippers in a roll with a smoothie made from lower-fat milk and fresh or canned fruit.'

You need... a meal that fits in with your weight-loss plan.

'Research shows that people who eat a healthy breakfast are less likely to have high-sugar and high-fat snacks in the morning,' says Sara. 'A low glycaemic index (GI) breakfast, such as porridge or another wholegrain cereal, is a good option, as it will keep you feeling full for longer.'

You need... food on the run.

It only takes a few minutes to prepare and eat a bowl of cereal - and this can provide around 25% of some of the essential vitamins you need each day. But if you barely have time for that , there are various healthy snacks you could consider eating on the move - go for a cereal or muesli bar, banana, wholemeal muffin or scone, piece of toast, yogurt, smoothie or a handful of unsalted nuts and dried fruit.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

My Little Box Of Tricks

Review: Box Of Tricks

So, I ordered this palette from the weekend just gone and it was delivered on Tuesday (13th April) so I was really pleased with the speed of their service. I ordered two of them, so one for me and one for a spare or as a gift. Unfortunately when I opened the box one of them had been damaged. Good news though, I contacted them yesterday and before the end of the day they had already arranged to send me a brand new replacement.

So, onto the product itself. Once I opened the palette I was pleased with the selection of colours you get in the eyeshadows. The entire palette contains 15 x 1.5 g eyeshadows, 4 x 1 g lipglosses and 3 x 4 g blushers.

As you can see you get a row with really pretty purples, another row of lovely greens and a final row of lovely neutrals and browns. As soon as I looked at the colours, the bottom right hand colour reminded me of MAC's Blanc Type. I compared the shadow from the palette with my Blanc Type shadow so you can see how similar they look.

The colour on the left is the MAC shadow, just in case you wondered. So anyway, I swatched all the eyeshadow colours so you could get an idea of how they look on the skin.

Surprisingly the eyeshadows are actually well pigmented and easy to blend. The swatches are in the order of the palette. I used the eyeshadows yesterday and I managed to achieve such a quick and easy look. I used a primer underneath them and they stayed on all day without creasing. The palette is so convenient, and it could easily be kept in a handbag. I would suggest not throwing your bag around too heavily, just in case any of the shadows were to smash. I'm not sure how mine got smashed, so I'm not totally sure how much impact they can take.

The palette has a second section which pulls out from underneath, and this is a really great addition to the palette. It contains four lipglosses and 3 great size blushers. You can see from the photo below how they look in the palette.

The blushers in the palette are really pretty and they are also well pigmented and easy to blend together if you like to layer your blushers or "double blush". The colour on the left is a peachy coral colour, the middle colour is a lovely plum, but very wearable without looking over the top. Then the colour on the right is a lovely pink colour, this colour looks so pretty. Once on the cheeks it looks like you have come in from a fresh walk on the beach, it gives a lovely flushed colour. I swatched the blushers and lipglosses onto a piece of paper because the camera didn't pick it up properly on my arm. The flash just washed everything out.

The lipglosses are ok, they are nothing great. They do not have very much pigmentation and they don't really last on the lips for very long. I tried applying them using a lip brush and also by using my finger, but I still got the same washed out colours. The bright pink on the left gives the best pigmentation, but the peach colour next to it doesn't give any colour on my lips at all. The medium pink gives some colour, but again not very much. As for the lightest pink that did give some colour but very little as you can see from the above swatch. The 1st and 3rd colours are the most pigmented.

Overall I really like this palette a lot. It has a great size mirror in the lid that is more than big enough to see everything you are doing. There is also a good selection of well pigmented eyeshadows that blend easily and stay on all day. The blushers are also very nice on the skin. I imagine they would flatter any skin tone, although I'm not sure how well they would show up on darker skin tones. The size of the palette makes it so handy and transportable, even though I don't use the lipglosses the palette it still worth the £3.95 that I paid for it.

I would definitely recommend the palette to anybody who is looking for something that is convenient and versatile but without a big price tag. It is worth the price for the eyeshadows and blushers alone.

Check out and type W7 into the search box. They also have a great selection of other makeup products from the same range. They have really great prices too.

Let me know your thoughts on it if you buy one. Happy shopping guys.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Project 10 Pan here I come...!

So, I finally decided to take the plunge and do the project 10 pan challenge. To begin with I had no idea what I was going to chose for my 10 items. Considering I have a whole load of things to choose from.

I knew I couldn't promise to only use one eyeshadow for the project because I love them too much. So I didn't want to limit myself to just one. I did however manage to commit to just 1 mascara, 1 lipstick, 1 lipgloss & 1 blusher that I will use completely until they are gone gone gone.

So the products I ended up with for my project 10 pan are:
  1. St. Ives 4 in 1 Gentle Facial Cleansing Wipes (So far I don't like them)
  2. Marks & Spencer Lemon Hand Butter (It smells amazing)
  3. Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance (For my day cream)
  4. ELF Complexion Perfection Powder (As general powder & to "set" my makeup)
  5. ELF Mineral Lipstick in Rosy Raisin (Which is a really great colour)
  6. Clinique Blusher in Smouldering Plum (Pretty colour, but needs a light application)
  7. Bourjois 3D Effect Lipgloss in Rose Mythic (It's about time this got used up, lol)
  8. No. 7 Extreme Length Mascara (I'm undecided on this mascara so far)
  9. No. 7 Protect & Perfect Night Cream (For my night cream, used today for the 1st time and feels quite nice)
  10. No. 7 Protect & Perfect Beauty Serum (Have also used today for the 1st time, also feels nice. Will use this at night time only to add some extra oomph to the night cream)

I am looking forward to the challenge of only using these products until they are finished, and then buying something new to replace them. I will obviously still continue to use my foundation, concealer, eyeliner etc. Seeing as they are not products included in this round.

Once I have completed this challenge, depending how it goes I am likely to do another. I will even push myself that bit harder next time to commit to trying to use up other products I have such as body cream and perfume etc.

So project 10 pan, here I come. I will keep you all updated on how it goes and how I find it being on makeup rations, lol.

I challenge all of you to have a rummage in your makeup bag/collection and pick 10 products that you will use up.

Good luck...

Monday, 12 April 2010

A Guide To Depression...

What is depression?

Depression is a condition that is characterised by depressed mood, and/or a loss of pleasure or interest in activities, and other symptoms that affect everyday life and functioning, for more than two weeks. Symptoms can include:

  • A depressed mood during most of the day, particularly in the morning
  • Fatigue or loss of energy almost every day
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt almost every day
  • Impaired concentration, indecisiveness
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping) almost every day
  • Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in almost all activities nearly every day, a condition called anhedonia that can be indicated by a subjective account or by observations of significant others
  • Recurring thoughts of death or suicide (not just fearing death)
  • A sense of restlessness known as psychomotor agitation, or being slowed down, retardation
  • Significant weight loss or gain (a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month)

How long do these signs have to be present before they are diagnosed as depression?

With major or clinical depression, one of the key signs is either depressed mood or loss of interest. For a diagnosis of depression, these signs should be present most of the day either daily or nearly daily for at least two weeks. In addition, the depressive symptoms need to cause clinically significant distress or impairment. They cannot be due to the direct effects of a substance, for example, a drug or medication. Nor can they be the result of a medical condition such as hypothyroidism.

What are some common feelings associated with depression?

People with depressive illnesses do not all experience the same symptoms. How severe they are, how frequent, and how long they last will vary. It depends on the individual and their particular illness. Here are common symptoms people with depression experience:

  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
  • Fatigue and decreased energy
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness
  • Feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism
  • Insomnia, early morning wakefulness or excessive sleeping
  • Irritability, restlessness
  • Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex
  • No pleasure left in life any more
  • Overeating or appetite loss
  • Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment
  • Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings
  • Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts

While these are common symptoms of depression, they may also occur in patterns. For example, a person may experience depression with mania or hypomania, a condition sometimes called manic depression. Or the symptoms may be seasonal as in the case of seasonal affective disorder.

There are several types of manic depression. People with bipolar II disorder have at least one episode of major depression and at least one hypomanic (mild elation or high) episode. People with bipolar I disorder have a history of at least one manic (extreme elation or high) episode, with or without past major depressive episodes. A patient with unipolar depression has major depression only but does not have hypomania or mania.

How do I get help for depression?

Most people have felt sad or depressed at times. Feeling depressed can be a normal reaction to loss, life's struggles, or an injured self-esteem.

When feelings of intense sadness, including feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless, last for days to weeks and keep you from functioning normally, your depression may be something more than sadness. It may very well be clinical depression, a treatable medical condition.

What about depression in teenagers?

It is common for teenagers to occasionally feel unhappy. However, when the unhappiness lasts for more than two weeks and the teenager experiences other symptoms of depression, then they may be suffering from adolescent depression. Because as many as one in every 33 children and one in eight adolescents suffer with depression, talk to your doctor GP to find out if your teenager may be depressed. There is effective treatment available to help teenagers move beyond depression as they grow older.

Is depression difficult to diagnose?

It is estimated that, by the year 2020, major depression will be second only to ischaemic heart disease in terms of the leading causes of illness in the world. Patients with depression sometimes fail to realise (or accept) that there is a physical cause to their depressed moods. As a result, they may search endlessly for external causes.

In the UK, about 15% of people will suffer from at least one episode of major depression, according to the NHS. The suicide risk in people with this type of depression is the highest rate for any psychiatric state. Unfortunately, most people with clinical depression never seek treatment. Left undiagnosed and untreated, depression can worsen, lasting for years and causing untold suffering, and possibly suicide.

Are there different types of depression?

There are a number of different types of depression including:

  • Major depression
  • Chronic depression (dysthymia)
  • Bipolar depression
  • Seasonal depression (SAD or seasonal affective disorder)
  • Psychotic depression
  • Postpartum depression

Are there other types of depression?

Other types of depression that can occur include:

  • Double depression, a condition that happens when a person with chronic depression (dysthymia) experiences an episode of major depression
  • Secondary depression, a depression that develops after the development of a medical condition such as hypothyroidism, stroke, Parkinson's disease, or Aids, or after a psychiatric problem such as schizophrenia, panic disorder, or bulimia
  • Chronic treatment-resistant depression, a condition that lasts over a year and is extremely difficult to treat with antidepressants and other psychopharmacologic drugs and psychotherapies
  • Masked depression, a depression that is hidden behind physical complaints for which no organic cause can be found.

Can depression occur with other mental illnesses?

Depression commonly occurs with other illnesses such as anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, phobias and eating disorders. If you or a loved one has symptoms of depression and/or these other mental illnesses, talk to your GP. Treatment is available to lift the depression so you or a loved one can regain your meaningful life.

Can depression have physical symptoms?

Because certain brain chemicals or neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin and norepinephrine, influence both mood and pain, it's not uncommon for depressed individuals to have physical symptoms. These symptoms may include joint pain, back pain, gastrointestinal problems, sleep disturbances, and appetite changes. The symptoms may also be accompanied by slowed speech and physical retardation. Many patients go from doctor to doctor seeking treatment for their physical symptoms when, in fact, they are clinically depressed.

Where can I get help for depression?

*** If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of depression, seek your health care provider's advice for treatment or referral to a mental health professional ***

All the information on this post came from then search "energy"

I hope you find this post helpful. I am not a doctor, but I researched this information and wanted to share it with you.

Please do not be alarmed if you have any of the mentioned symptoms, also do not feel ashamed or embarrassed to talk to someone you trust.

Speak to your GP and tell them how you are feeling. They will then be able to provide the best treatment if any is necessary.


Could You Spot A Stroke???

You Could Save A Life

STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters... S.T.R.
My friend sent this to me and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks.
STROKE IDENTIFICATION: During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. (they offered to call an ambulance)

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00pm , Ingrid passed away.)
She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today.

Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this...

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Remember the "3" steps, STR. Please read and learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster.
The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

  • S - Ask the individual to SMILE.
  • T - TALK. Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (coherently) e,g. It is sunny out today.
  • R - Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 999 immediately!! and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

NOTE : Another 'sign' of a stroke is
  1. Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue.
  2. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.

A prominent cardiologist says if everyone who knows this tells 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

….and it could be your own…..

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Review: Debenhams Beauty Eye Box

Debenhams Beauty Box - This eye collection from Beauty Box contains:

  • Mascara 1.3ml
  • Eye liner 1g
  • Glitter eye liner 8ml
  • Eye shadow 9 x 1.5g
  • 2 x double ended applicators
I saw this item on the Debenhams website and I liked the look of it. So the next time I popped into Debenhams I decided to buy it due to the bargain price of £5.

I wasn't expecting much seeing as it was cheap, but I thought I would hold off judgement until I had a chance to try it. So once the box is opened it looks like this

Here are some swatches to give you an idea of how the colours look on the skin. I used the ELF Studio Eye Primer and Line Sealer as a base for the eye shadows. There are 9 colours on my arm but you can't really see the white glittery one. The light blue next to it is also very faint, the flash just washed them out. Then as you can see between the orange and the bronze colours there is another colour not showing up. That is another fine glittery eyeshadow in a cream colour.

The eye shadows are really pretty and wearable colours, they could just do with being more pigmented. The colour wouldn't show up much at all if I hadn't used the primer underneath. The eyeliner is nice, it isn't as "dry" as other pencils I have used in the past, so it doesn't tug or pull the skin. It's nice and soft and is easy to smudge, (but not so soft that it rubs straight off) plus I was able to use it on my waterline with no problems. It also has a great rich black colour to it. I have used others in the past that are called black, but are really more of a charcoal instead. The silver glitter eyeliner is so easy to use and adds that extra sparkle to any look.

This is what the mascara spool looks like.

I really like the spool on the mascara wand. It's kind of like a Christmas tree shape and I found that it really "grabs" the lashes right from the very root. I'm not sure what the mascara is formulated to do e.g, curl, volumise etc, but it did a good job of coating each of the lashes. After 2 applications I could see a big difference in the volume of my lashes. They looked a lot thicker than before. I tried to take a photo to show you, but it wasn't showing up how I wanted it to.

I think this eye kit would be ideal as a gift for someone just starting out with makeup, or also for those who only like very subtle eyes. The colours are really pretty and there are a couple that have a fine glitter in them which makes them look great. The only thing missing from this kit is a bit of blush and some lippy.

Over all I like the kit and if I had to give it marks out of 10 I would probably give it about a 6. Everything from the kit works well together, it's just the pigmentation that lets the kit down.

If you buy it yourself let me know your thoughts on it too.